dunno why i started to think bout u all when typing the "UTAR"...


PN - u know how important are u to me...u really nice towards all ppl, tats y u have many friends..keep it ok? dun change yrself or watsoever...u really mean a lot for me...pls dun forget me ok?


PL - u are the only girl i know tat never angry so on...dunno how u build yr patient and temper..too bad i cant learn it from u...hehe...i'm willing to borrow my ears to u ok? dun keep sadness ok?


GY - haha, i used to remember last time when we go canteen, u will "hold" my hand...haha..sumthing wrong wit me ...i started to miss tat moment...cuz now i cant even hold frens as i not tat close wit them...so long time din see u...i believe u can adapt yrself to all situation...u r tough...


STEVEN - bro and sis...lolz...must sincere u know...once i get to know u cheat or so on, u know wat happen...by the way, u r one of the guy i like as i can mix wit u more....hahaha...so 38 de me...


JEAN - most adorable gal...hehe...good temper oso...very independent although looks like weak...


ML - although same class wit u since form 2, but not very close wit u...hahaha...sorry ya...


HS - hosien ar hosien, y u oso hav a good temper..haha...i like u muchi...i should get to know u early la...lolz...


THAM - stupid tham....hahaha...simply say only...u r clever...dun pretend like stupid la u....aiyo....u r rich den me...dun jia jia be poor guy la....lolz...


CHUNG - hahaha, my best driver...lol...ok la, u r nice enough...at least talking to u, i can get fun...so pro wit eng.....haha...


HW - oh ya, i still remember last time we went TS, jus u can walk many...nice shopper parter...hahaha....i like u too~~~~~


XY - ohw, u r so gentle...so leng lui...hahaha....


MELODY - u must +u ar...future time hav to be independent ar...dun rely so much on other ppl...


LM - so good to hav u at UTAR...we build friendship since form1...although not same class form4 and 5, but i think our friendship is still ok...hehe...^^


CHUA - aiyo, dunno how to say u...haha..must keep an eye for me...the AUS leng cai ar...hahaha....be my tour guild if i go AUS...haha...


YEE - fish fish and crab crab...wahaha....u r so so so clever...proud of u too...haha...must take care at ipoh ar...


IM - lolz...u be my class monitor for such a long times...5 YEARS u know...so boring to see u...haha...kidding la....haha...i like u~~~~hahahaha.....dont too excited ok?


AN - clever + nice + good temper gal...haha...i like u much oso~~~~




i MISS u ALL much...

especially PN, PL, GY...










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