tonight was incredible nice...

met wit u all...^^


long time din have a gathering...

long time din see u all...

long time din chat wit u all...

wit u all, i become

all those bad bad words coming out from my mouth...zzz...

its funny...haha...


sry if me irritate u all ar,

jus simply say to make situation fun...

ya lar, i noe my mouth so "bird ppl"...lolz....

pls dun mind bout it ok?

i really din mean anything ya...


u all look jus same...hehe...

aiya...miss last time when we r together everytime...


oh ya, u all wan go wet MUST wait me ok??

i wan go oso...

dun leave me thr...T^T...

or not i wil kill u all...wahaha...


when wil we have another gathering??

i'm look forward for it...^^



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